Yes, it's official now - I'm up for Sale. I waited patiently yesterday for my neighbour to leave his house - in order that I could take a photo without his car being in the driveway.. If you happen to go on to website 'PLEASE' ignore the state of the rooms!! when the Estate Agent came I thought she was just coming to view the house and, as I didn't accompany her on her tour of our estate, I didn't realize that she was taking photos too!! otherwise, I would have removed the ironing board from the little bedroom, taken away the cleaning items from the kitchen, removed the grubby looking towel from the downstairs shower room and tidied away Nigel's clothes and bag in the main bedroom - but there you have it..

Ecclesiastes 1:9 reminds me that 'there is no new thing under the sun' and, yes, selling homes is certainly not a new phenomenon it has been happening and taking place for years and years and years BUT it is new to me. Nigel and I lived in three various sorts of accommodation before we entered the Training College - a rented bedsit, then we house-sat for Lt. Colonels Bram & Lily Sylvester when they were in Nigeria for six months and then, finally, a two bedroom maisonette - so - the selling of a home, after 30 years of marriage, is NEW NEW NEW to me.

I've been watching - 'Location, Location, Location' to try and get an insight into the 'buyers' mind!! and it would appear that first impressions are the most important (
when it stops raining I'd best weed the driveway!) other aspects are important too - is the house inviting, is it clean, does it smell nice, is there a good feel about the place, how well has the place being cared for, what are the neighbours like!! So I have cleaned like mad, the house smells like the perfume area of Boots, there are fresh flowers on the sideboard (
as we've sold most of the furniture the place looks bare) I've cleared the entrance of the coat stand, shoes, moneyboxes to enable a clear, friendly and uncluttered space - So other than a Welcome Sergeant at the door, the guestbook, a copy of the 'War Cry' to give out - the process could be applied to our places of worship too :)

So I am relying on Scripture and taking it at its word :)) I'm casting my bread (our home for the last seven years, Barking Quarters) out there on the waters (Estate Agent Land) with the full assurance that for 'someone' this will be a happy, loved, cared for, embracing, welcoming, comfortable home - as it has been for us.. The scripture goes on to say - and after many days you will find it again - what an assurance that I need just now - knowing that our home, new Barking Quarters (which is just finished being built) in a new area, with new neighbours all moving in at the same time - will indeed be a blessing not just to us but to the next Officers and what a privilege and ministry to be there as other new neighbours arrive. I can't wait.
There might be 'nothing new under the sun' but thank you Lord for all the New opportunities you send my way - my I be faithful to you in all that I do and say.
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