Thursday, 25 August 2011

Thought of you today

I have posted this photo today as my blipfoto -

Do you ever feel paralyzed with the sense of not being able to do something?  I felt that this afternoon.

I was looking for something 'Army' for my blipfoto and as most things are packed away for our move there wasn't much to look through - then my eye fell upon this little wooden church; a gift from a 2nd year Cadet who stayed with us many years ago. This Cadet is now married and serving overseas.  I thought to myself - 'oh that will do'.

Then I noticed the fallen Inca Lilies on the sideboard and that's when it HIT me - paralyzed with shame, grief, pain - I haven't written or contacted you lately and I know you are finding life tough.  I have been so caught up in my world that I've forgotten you in yours.

We are not 'bosom buddies' but I did say I would prayer for you - oh how easily those words glide off the tongue :(

Sometimes I joking say to my husband when we are talking - 'cue a song' - but often the words of others mirror our thoughts and express how we feel..

Song 576 verses 1 & 4 (Doris N Rendell)

God of comfort and compassion,
God of wisdom, grace and power,
Hear our (my) earnest intercession
In this quiet evening (afternoon) hour.
Strengthen all who fight thy battles
In this land and lands afar,
Be companion, friend and shepherd
Whereso'er thy children are.

May thy grace and peace o'ershadow
Those for whom we pray tonight;
May thy mighty arm uphold them;
They are precious in thy sight.
Lord, for answered prayer we thank thee,
Thou art good in all thy ways;
With thanksgiving we adore thee,
Fill our hearts with love and praise.

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